The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects,  “things”, embedded with electronics, software, sensors and connectivity to enable and enhance functionality through exchange of data with manufacturers, operators and other connected devices.

Each thing is uniquely identifiable and is able to interoperate within the existing Internet infrastructure.

Dartt provides advanced applications to support the Internet of Things using the Smartphone as a Sensor App.


Dartt used this technology in the Stride (Smart Transport Internet of Things Data Ecosystem) project in combination with the expertise from BT, Ctrl-Shift, AIMES, and the University of Cambridge to provide a Driver Behaviour App. Sponsored by Innovate UK the project provided a critical mass of transport data, including historical and real-time data from over 50 data sources.

HyperCat - Logo

Further development is underway in the HyperCat project, focusing on building a standard for system interoperability. We are designing and building a Logistics Support Services App using HyperCat to find and provide data across Hubs.


Dartt is a partner in MK:Smart a project where we are providing data from our Smartphone as a Sensor App for the Smart City Mobility Map and other spearheads in Energy, Water, Transport and the citizen engagement toolkit.

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